Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Story of Our Tree

As promised; here is the story of our tree this year!

Like last year we wanted to cut down our own tree again. We feel this is the ONLY way to pick a tree! 

For one you select the tree that you want! You make the memories of cutting it down wrapping it and getting it on the car. Unlike Christmas Tree Lots you only cut down 1 tree. 

Have you ever noticed that right before Christmas there are still tons and tons of trees in the Christmas Tree lots? We have and it breaks our hearts. All those trees were cut for nothing... They could have lived another year and been even bigger and better the next year, but nope they got cut, and sat in a lot and never went home with a family... 

This is why we choose to cut our own tree. We feel it makes more sense to cut our own down then support tree lots that cut MORE then there is demand for. 

Also we choose a fresh tree rather then a fake plastic one because to us it makes more sense and we feel it is more ecological. When you are finished with your fake plastic tree after a few years, because of what ever reason, then what... It is thrown in the trash and sits in a land fill for years and years. Fake plastic trees NEVER break down and will always be in that land fill. 

Fresh real trees at the end of the season are picked up by the local disposal company and are either composted, or like our city does is milled down to make ground cover for freeway entrances. 

So enough about why we choose to cut down our tree, lets get to the how!

We went on Saturday December 6th, the start of the Christmas Season. 

We always go to small lots in Santa Cruz to support local business. 

This year we found the cutest lot! It was one man with a small naturally growing farm. This meaning that there was no maintenance, no chemicals, no grooming... Nothing, just natural trees to choose from. Most were even regrows witch means that the tree had been previously cut and grew back again. 

To us this is the kind of farm and small business we like to support. 

Once we found this little gem of a farm we started with the photos. Did I mention I wanted to take lots so we could have the memory forever. 

Looking for our tree was so fun

and... a little silly!

Finally we FOUND IT! 

This was the first tree we saw when we entered the farm, and after walking through the entire lot, we looked at each other and knew we had to go back and get it! It was perfect... so we thought!

When your in the lot ALL trees look small... (keep that in mind until we get home)

So we found it and Jake started cutting! Yay!

He was so cute I had to snap a few photos!

Yay its down and ours!

It was so big Jake could hardly carry it!

When we finally got it home we realized how BIG it really was! Our small cute tree in the lot turned out to be an 8 foot tree! Now mind you we do have and 8 foot ceilings in our apartment, but this tree was not going to fit as is...

We had picked a spot in the living room that we thought would be great, and it only required us moving one piece of furniture. Well as you can guess that little spot was NOT going to hold this tree. 

We had to move every single piece of furniture in our living room to make the perfect spot, and still it hardly fit. 

We ended up cutting about a foot off the top to make room for the star, and cut the back side completely off. So our tree was beautiful from the front side but completely flat on the back side... 

This was the only way this tree was going to fit in our tiny apartment, and honestly we wouldn't have it any other way. We got so many laughs our of this tree, and created so many memories it was worth every second of laughter, frustration, and pure amusement. 

However next year we certainly have a plan of action to pick a tree a little smaller!

Hope you enjoyed your tree as much as we did this year!

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