Jake and I are excited to officially introduce the newest member of our family, Odin our little puppy!
He is a 12 week old alaskan malamute, husky mix. His dad was a 90 pound alaskan malamute, and his mom was a 50 pound siberian husky. We think he will be around 60 - 70 pounds when he is full grown.
He is playful yet calm. He loves to chew his toys.
He is learning sit, leave it and come!
Loki is slowly warming up to him and we hope by the end of the month they will be best friends!
A little about his name; we currently have Loki the cat, and Thor the fish, so naturally we wanted to choose a name that would fit in our little family. After looking over all of the Thor characters we decided on Odin. Odin is Thor and Loki's father and is a strong alpha male in the movie. We wanted a strong name for our pup and decided Odin was it.
We have had him for a little less then a week, and he has already stolen our hearts.
Here are a few things we did as a family this week to bond:
Coming home for the first time
First trip to the dog park. He loved it. He ran like a crazy pup, and tired himself out in 15 minutes
His first bath. He was a stinky puppy when we brought him home, so a bath was much needed for both him and us!
His first hike was a success! He loved laying and rolling around in the fresh clean grass. However we did find 2 ticks on him later that day. Luckily enough we caught them before they embedded.
His first time at the beach. He enjoyed running around on the sand, digging holes, and chasing waves.
Cheese! He is the cuttest thing ever when he smiles for the camera. He shows his little front teeth and give the cuttest look!
Our Handsome Boy
We are so excited to have this cute little fur ball in our lives and can't wait to watch him grow and become a part of our family.

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