Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Maid of Honer DIY Projects

Have you ever been a Maid of Honor?

I have never, but am so honored to be at my cousin Star's wedding.

I am so thrilled she asked me and I am having so much fun planning her bridal shower.

I wanted to share a few ideas I have had to give all of you ideas for the next bridal shower you host.

I wanted the theme to be champagne brunch.

So the shower starts at 11 ( I thought the perfect time to drink and eat yummy breakfast foods)

I have made several signs to put around the house like;

I love the idea of having a general theme and then making your own personal signs. 

I have some beautiful frames that I will put these into and display them around the house for the shower. 

Here are a few things I was thinking as far as decorations; 

These easy DIY tissue puffs are great for anywhere in the house that needs a little extra flair. 

I love this garland for over the mimosa bar

These are just a few ideas I have, and I am sure I will have more as the shower gets closer. 

Hope you enjoyed these cute and easy DIY Maid of Honor ideas. 

Lets celebrate Mrs Robinson!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Job Front

Have you ever taken a job just to have a job? Or taken a job to get out of another job?

Well thats what I did.. 

When I was at Neimans I was so unhappy with my direct manager, and I knew I wanted to leave on good terms with the company so I took the first thing that was handed to me. 

Thankfully that job wasn't too bad, I mean it was google and all. However the job was only a one year contracted position and when that one year ended so did my employment with them. 

I loved working there and even interviewed for a different position once I left, however didn't end up getting it. 

I was unemployed for a little over six months. With hundreds of applications and yes I mean hundreds of applications I had no luck. 

I was so over qualified for some positions I didn't even know why I was applying other then the fact that I was getting my name out there. 

During this six months I was collecting unemployment that covered my bills and gave me a little spending money so there was no rush to find a job, until that dreaded day when my unemployment benefits ended. 

I went in a panic, as you can imagine and looked for anything... Jake and I couldn't afford our lifestyle comfortably on one income. And yes we did for a little while, but Jake was working 7 days a week, with no down time. 

I knew I couldnt do this to him, and it put a strain on our relationship for a while. 

[Side note: I think this strain on our relationship in the end was good. Not good in the sense that we fought about little things or got irritated at the smallest things but in the sense that we grew from it. We both had to sit down and really talk about how each of us was feeling, and why we were feeling that way. It helped strengthen our relationship. I think we needed it to be 100% sure we wanted to honestly be together, and yes I am happy to say that we do, and are on our way to the next step in our relationship!]

But back to the job hunt. I looked for several weeks after unemployment ended and got a call from Nordstrom. I was so excited, and really wanted to work for Nordstrom. Jake and both his parents worked for Nordstrom and they all said it was a great company to work for. 

So there I was having an interview with Nordstrom. The interview went so well that I was actually asked to go in for a second interview for a higher position. This was great news. I thought.... 

Come to find out the higher position was no longer available, so I was offered my current position. 

I happily accepted because I knew I needed something, and I had the pormise of my manager that as soon as a higher position opened up I would be recommended based on my previous experience. 

Well then my manager left after only working with her for three weeks. Womp Womp... 

So a few weeks passed and our new manager started. I sat down with him right away and explained my situation. That I had taken this position with the promise that when a higher position opened up that I would be recommended. 

Well he was honest and said that he couldn't recommend or not recommend me because he didn't know my work ability or my qualifications because he hadn't worked with me long enough. After a long conversation we both came to the agreement that I would apply within the company for other higher positions (as I was promised from my original hiring manager) and he would support me in doing that. 

So here I am, I applied for a position that became available a few weeks ago and finally this week got an email to set up an interview for the position next week. 

Now let me explain this position a little. I was hired at the bottom. I mean the compete bottom of the todem pole. And yes as humbling as it has been going from the manager to the staff, and getting back to the basics of my role, I am WAY over qualified for this position I am in and need something more... 

The position I applied for is two steps up and a lateral move. So its a far shot going from my position to the one I applied for, but I know I am qualified for it, and would do extremely well in that environment. 

So now I wait until my official interview next week, and pray that they see my potential, even though I have only been with the company four months I have so much experience from Neimans I know I would do fantastic. 

If your someone who prays please keep me in your prayers that God would answer this prayer for a new role and higher position. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Family Trip to Devils Post Pile in mammoth Mountain

Jake and I recently went on a family camping trip to Devils Post Pile in Mammoth Mountain.

We went with Jakes parents and had so much fun. 

It was a great time to bond and disconnect from everything. 

The area was absolutely beautiful. 

Our little camping dog. He loved being in the dirt. 

Devils Post Pile was made thousands of years ago when plates moved and molten lava escaped. Devils Post Pile started as a lava lake that cooled into columnar basalt formations. 

Jake and the pup exploring the area. 
They were so cute together. 

A beautiful waterfall on one of our hikes. 

This lake was a short 5 minute walk from our campsite. 

We had the best time exploring this area, and would HIGHLY recommend taking a trip up to Mammoth Mountain to check out Devils Post Pile.