Sunday, September 9, 2012

Walking by Blind Faith

In the last few months I feel as if I have been completely walking in Blind Faith with God.

I have been on an emotional roller-coaster, and still feel calm in the cahos.

It all started with me finding out I was over qualified for a moderate income apartment. This as you can imagine was devastating. I was packed and ready to move in! I had been planning on moving since late December. I had an amazing roommate, the support of my family, and wanted this so badly. I wanted to move out of my parents house and start living as an adult again! The I got the phone call saying that I was over qualified, and that there was nothing I could do. This clearly was a sign from, God that this was not His plan for me. Even though I wanted to move into this brand new, just built, amazing apartment, God clearly closed that door.

At this point I was at the bottom of the roller-coaster, and wanted to get off.

Then my mother suggested that I just "talk" to a lender to see if I could be pre qualified for a home loan. And sure enough I did get pre qualified for a home loan. I was now at the top of the roller-coaster so excited for what would happen next.

I contacted a friend of mine who is a realtor, and told her I was pre qualified and I wanted to start the process of buying a home. She was excited for me but had bad news. The inventory of homes on the market is slim to none, and when a home does become available in my price range, there are multiple offers with in hours. there are crazy bidding wars, and cash talks.  SO now as you can imagine I went from being at the top of the roller-coaster back down to the bottom.

It was one crazy day, but I realized that God has something bigger planned for my life, and it is up to me to decide on weather I am going to follow the path He has set for me or if I am going to create my own.

I am not sure what God has planned but I do know that i am walking faithfully in it.

His plan is coming together one piece at a time.

I was offered a position yesterday at the Livermore location. I accepted knowing that this is all part of Gods bigger plan for me.

I do not know what is next or what will happen. If I will buy a home, rent, or stay living at home. I do know that what ever does happen it will be easy, carefree and of Gods will.

I am 100% walking in blind faith with God, as I am not sure what will even happen tomorrow in life. I do know that what ever it is, it will be more amazing then anything I could have ever hoped for, because it is Gods will for me!

1 comment:

  1. love this! love you girl. You're amazing! so excited for your new job position!
