Monday, September 24, 2012

Favorite Fall Looks

I LOVE Fall. 

I love the cool weather, and the amazing Fall Fashion. 

Here are a few of my Favorite looks for Fall.

Comfy & Classy


Casual Cool 


Cute & Fun

Orange + Denim = Love

Burberry + Leather = Hot 

Cool Chic

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sock Bun

Before I ever found out about the miraculous sock bun, 
I would, on occasion, be tempted to style my hair in a traditional 
ballerina bun.  You know, the bun where you take your ponytail, 
twist it, wrap it in a circle, and pin it.Well, mine never came out well.  
There would be stray hairs sticking out of it, 
and I could never get my bobby pins to keep my hair in place. 
 So, because of the misfortune of my persistent attempts, 
I never thought I could actually wear a bun like that out and about. 
 But then I found the sock bun, and my troubles easily retreated!!! 
Now perfectly messy ballerina buns are easily achieved all with
 the help of a pair of socks!  

Take a look at how to assemble your socks and wrap it in your hair. 
Give it a few tries and experiment with it! Have fun!What You'll Need
  • A pair of socks (preferably socks that are similar to your hair color)
  • One hair elastic
  • Scissors 
Making Your Sock Doughnut
1.  Cut the toes off of both of your socks.
2.  Take one sock and begin rolling it into itself to create a doughnut
(you can stop at one sock, but I like to use two in order to create a thicker
 and sturdier bun).
3.  Then take the rolled sock, place it in the end of the other sock,
and begin rolling it into itself again until you have a thicker doughnut.
4.  Voila! You've created your sock doughnut... now to do your hair!

Making Your Sock Bun
1. Put your hair up in a ponytail at the crown of your head.
Use a brush to  create a smooth bun, 
or put your hair up using your fingers to create a messy, textured bun.
2. Pull your ponytail through the sock doughnut.
3. Place the sock doughnut at the end of your ponytail so that you can at least
tuck the ends under the doughnut.
4. Roll you sock doughnut, with the ends of your hair tucked under it,
towards your scalp.  With every roll, continue to keep tucking the hair 
under the doughnut until you reach your scalp.  
It may take a couple of tries to get the hang of it, so just keep trying because
the results are gorgeous!
5. There you have it, your sock bun!  Tuck any loose or stray hairs
under the sock doughnut, and, if you see the sock peeping through, 
just tuck  your hair accordingly.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Walking by Blind Faith

In the last few months I feel as if I have been completely walking in Blind Faith with God.

I have been on an emotional roller-coaster, and still feel calm in the cahos.

It all started with me finding out I was over qualified for a moderate income apartment. This as you can imagine was devastating. I was packed and ready to move in! I had been planning on moving since late December. I had an amazing roommate, the support of my family, and wanted this so badly. I wanted to move out of my parents house and start living as an adult again! The I got the phone call saying that I was over qualified, and that there was nothing I could do. This clearly was a sign from, God that this was not His plan for me. Even though I wanted to move into this brand new, just built, amazing apartment, God clearly closed that door.

At this point I was at the bottom of the roller-coaster, and wanted to get off.

Then my mother suggested that I just "talk" to a lender to see if I could be pre qualified for a home loan. And sure enough I did get pre qualified for a home loan. I was now at the top of the roller-coaster so excited for what would happen next.

I contacted a friend of mine who is a realtor, and told her I was pre qualified and I wanted to start the process of buying a home. She was excited for me but had bad news. The inventory of homes on the market is slim to none, and when a home does become available in my price range, there are multiple offers with in hours. there are crazy bidding wars, and cash talks.  SO now as you can imagine I went from being at the top of the roller-coaster back down to the bottom.

It was one crazy day, but I realized that God has something bigger planned for my life, and it is up to me to decide on weather I am going to follow the path He has set for me or if I am going to create my own.

I am not sure what God has planned but I do know that i am walking faithfully in it.

His plan is coming together one piece at a time.

I was offered a position yesterday at the Livermore location. I accepted knowing that this is all part of Gods bigger plan for me.

I do not know what is next or what will happen. If I will buy a home, rent, or stay living at home. I do know that what ever does happen it will be easy, carefree and of Gods will.

I am 100% walking in blind faith with God, as I am not sure what will even happen tomorrow in life. I do know that what ever it is, it will be more amazing then anything I could have ever hoped for, because it is Gods will for me!