Sunday, June 12, 2011

Fathers Day Gift Guide

Father’s Day is sneaking up fast! June 19th is less than a week away, which gives you just enough time to get creative and plan something special for your father. Whether it’s a homemade dinner or a thoughtful store-bought gift, just remember it’s really the thought that counts.

Here are my top gift ideas for making your dad feel special on Father’s Day…

  1. Make a “Date with Dad” basket. Pick an activity that is special to you and your dad and fill basket with all the necessary accouterments. For a movie date, fill a popcorn bucket with two movie tickets and dad’s favorite treats. Or, if dad is a golfer—fill a golf bucket with fresh golf balls, tees, a new golf towel and hit a few rounds of golf with him. This is a great gift because you can tailor it to you father’s interests.
  2. Coffee the cool way. If your father is a coffee drinker, give him the paper cup that keeps on giving: give a reusable mug. Not only is this gift eco-friendly, it’s also reasonably inexpensive considering all of the use dad will get out of it.
  3. Give him some sauce! If dad enjoys the grill, shower him with BBQ sauce. Not literally though (I can’t image that would go over well). Give him a sauce he can use when he BBQ's and will think of you.
  4. Create some coupons. If you are on a budget, coupons are a great option! Whether it’s a free car wash or a home cooked meal, it really is the thought that counts.
  5. Eat Like a Man. Rather, let dad eat like a man by giving him a new cook book. Better yet, offer to help dad whip up his favorite recipe from the cookbook for Father’s Day dinner!
  6. Something fishy. If you father is anything like mine, nothing gets him going like a day of fishing. I suggest giving him something like this a tackle box accompanied by a coupon redeemable for a day of fishing and fun with you!
  7. Give some R&R. If your dad is a total bookworm, give him a great book to read. Or, if your father is a music lover, make him a mix with all of his favorite songs!
  8. Forget me knot. Amp up dad’s work-wear with a nice summery tie. Who else will tell dad his grey paisley tie just isn’t cutting anymore?
  9. Movie night! Give dad a DVD, and plan an at-home movie night together complete with pizza, popcorn and dad’s favorite desert. (I really like this idea because I think it’s safe to say most fathers miss having special time like this with their kids.)

I hope you find this gift guide helpful! But above all else, don’t forget what Father’s Day is really about: showing dad you love and care about him. Nothing beats the gift of gratitude.

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