I have found myself very annoyed lately. I have been face to face with some on my worst pet peeves in the last few days and wanted to take the time to share them with everyone, so you know what annoys me!
So to begin lets see the meaning of Pet Peeve. I took this right off of Websters website
Pet Peeve: A pet peeve (or pet hate) is a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to him or her, to a greater degree than others may find it
Pet peeves often involve specific behaviors of someone close, such as a spouse or significant other. These behaviors may involve disrespect, manners, personalhygiene, relationships, and family issues. A key aspect of a pet peeve is that it may well seem acceptable to others
So here are a few of mine:
Eating loudly or with your mouth open - Hello people shut your mouth, have some manners!
Leaving crumbs behind in the butter - Yuck, this is just plain gross!
Driving 65 in the fast lane - It is the fast lane for a reason, move over people!
Inviting yourself to events, that you were clearly not invited to - Hello we obviously didn't want you there for a reason!
Being late - Set your clock 15 minutes fast if you are constantly late!
Smoking in houses - Yuck this is not healthy for you or for me, so just stop!
Dirty cars - Just suck it up and pay for it to be washed once a month!
Canceling last minute - Now I know I have been known to do this a few times, and I greatly apologize for it. Just let us know a day before so we can get someone else to go!
So far the is all I can come up with. But yes these are the things that bother me the most. I cant stand it when people do these things. So please as a consideration to me PLEASE STOP DOING THESE THINGS!
Hehe, thanks!
Here here! I agree with ALL of these...We're all guilty of being annoying (dare I say downright inconsiderate of others) from time to time but it seems to me that these things are getting worse and worse! Preach on sista! I would like to submit my HUGE pet peeve...not rsvping. When someone does you the courtesy of extending an invitation to a party or an event do them the d*mn courtesy of extending a reply back in a timely manner that acknowledges it! ARGH! I guess people are just invited to SO MUCH cool stuff they cant bother to RSVP to everything...NO. If you're invited, someone cared enough to do so, care enough to tell them whether you can come or politely decline. Phew. I'm done. LOL!