August 10, 2013 marks the first day of my weight loss
I am excited to say that I have chosen to start the Medifast
weight loss program.
This is a program that will help me loose over 78 pounds in
the next 9 months.
My goal is to be 129 pounds by my 29th birthday.
(April 25, 2014) (I really want to
be in a bikini next summer)
The program is a simple 5 & 1 plan. This meaning I will
have 5 of the Medifast meals per day and 1 of my own meals.
Today was the first day of my journey, and it was harder then I thought in some ways and easier then I thought in other ways.
The morning routine was a little off as I am not allowed heaps of coffee creamer any more. A change that I am sure I will get used to. (They even have mocha mix that you can add to your coffee - I will be purchasing this for next week)
By mid morning I was hungry but not starving. I had the mixed berry shake and it was better then expected, but I know for next time I need to let it sit a little longer before I drink up.
Lunch was chicken and wild rice. Surprisingly it was very good, but again I know that next time I need to let it sit a little longer.
By 3pm I was hungry. It hit me like a rush. Weird I know but it was like I hadn't eaten anything, but I had. I had a major energy crash, and know that mid day is going to be the hardest for me. I will have to make sure and have a Medifast meal on hand when this happens to avoid making bad choices.
Dinner came and went, and because I was at a birthday party, and wasn't able to eat exactly 2 hours after my last meal, by the time dinner did come, I scarfed it down in 30 seconds. (No Joke!)
How ever I learned from some amazing friends that I could be doing some things a little wrong.
1. On the program I need to eat 3 cups of veggies per day. This is called my lean and green. What I didn't know is 3 cups of veggies is 24oz.
Have you ever eaten in your life 24oz of veggies per day. I am willing to bet not.
Just to put it into perspective (As my friend Jen did for me) 16oz is an entire family sized tub of lettuce, the ones you buy in the bulk section of Costco, that takes an entire family a week to eat.
Haha, I have to eat that plus half of another one PER DAY.
I am so excited. I get to eat veggies like a pig! I basically can have as much as I can get in my mouth all day long. This is going to change things for sure.
I know I am only on day one, but I am so excited to be here and have the support of amazing friends that have done or are doing this with me. (Well I guess technically I am doing it with them)
I am excited to see how my body changes over the next few months.
With some new tricks and tips, I know I will be successful in my journey to loose weight.
Before picture: